Case Studies

  • Sufficiency Economy Project

    Sufficiency Economy Project


    After a severe economic crisis in Thailand, King Phumiphon proposed the philosophy of“Sufficiency Economy".
    This means that all individuals have enough to be independent and produce their own products for self consume.
    The Royal Thai Army introduced EM as a tool to promote nature farming within rural areas to accomplish the self sufficiency program. more

  • EM to Fight the Worst Flood in Thailand History

    EM to Fight the Worst Flood in Thailand History


    The worst flooding in Thailand occurred in July 2011. 446 deaths and approximately 2.3 million were badly affected by the flood.
    ​The Prime Minister appointed Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Ministry of Defense, and Royal Thai Army Forces as central organizations to solve sewage and sanitary problems. They applied EM Technology to launch a recovery project and resulted in good results. more

  • Odor Suppression Technology at Low-cost

    Odor Suppression Technology at Low-cost


    Waste water flows to sewage plants. From the facilities, foul odor may emit. This became true and problematic in a developing city called Primavera do Leste, Brazil. There EM comes; EM Technology was used to suppress odor. The following result supports the effect and efficiency. Moreover, the application cost low. What is and how did EM Technology work at the city plant? more

  • Students Participate in Kingdom's Agriculture

    Students Participate in Kingdom's Agriculture


    It was in 1994 when Bhutan started applying EM Technology in agriculture. They aimed at developing nature farming which can produce EM-treated materials for schools, farmers and other users. The next big change began since 2000 when the Ministry of Agriculture and Forests and Education enacted the School Agriculture Project to teach youth potential of agriculture.

  • Kibera Changed with EM Technology

    Kibera Changed with EM Technology


    The Kibera slum, the largest slum in East Africa, is in Kenya where a million people stay without well-established infrastructure(e.g., no tap water, poorly conditioned toilets). To improve the environment, a group of organizations and the Kenya government established a joint venture to improve the sanitation with EM Technology while creating jobs for those who seek. more