About EM Certification
EM∗ is a people-friendly and environmentally safe product of EMRO (EM Research Organization, Inc) that achieves synergistic effects by combining beneficial microorganisms which exist in nature, such as lactic acid bacteria, yeast and phototrophic bacteria.
It was developed by Professor Teruo Higa, a then professor of University of the Ryukyus in Okinawa, Japan in 1982. EM∗ brand, under his instruction, represents a line of microbial products that are used in numerous fields including agriculture, animal husbandry, environmental purification and health care in more than 100 countries around the world.
EMRO first adopted EM Certification Marks in 2011, so that our customers can choose products with assured quality. Only the products manufactured by our authorized partners have EM Certification Marks on the label. As long as you use products with these marks, you will be provided with EM of the highest and the most updated quality, as well as the latest information from Dr. Higa’s researches and insight.
When you choose EM products, make sure to find these marks, certified by Dr. Higa and by EMRO!
Marks on Products

Quality Certified
‘Quality Certified’ mark appears in reference to EM•1, Pro EM•1, and other products manufactured under quality control by EMRO.
EMRO guarantees the quality of the product and that authorizes the products as Dr. Higa’s authentic EM.

Certified Product
‘Certified Product’ mark appears in reference to EM secondary products manufactured with ‘Quality Certified’ products for better quality.

Authentic EM
‘Authentic EM’ mark appears in reference to EM food products, which uses products with ‘Quality Certified’ or ‘Certified Product’ marks in their growth phrase to improve quality.
Marks for Organizations
EMRO’s official partners count more than 50 companies all around the world. They use these marks so that their customers know that their EM is Dr. Higa’s EM.

Authorized Manufacturer
The companies manufacturing EM™ products under EM Know-How License and Assistance Agreement with EMRO.

Authorized Distributor
The companies dealing with Authorized Manufacturer and distributing EM™ products under EM Know-How License and Assistance Agreement with EMRO.

Authorized Supplier
The companies which sell EM products, who are recommended as excellent suppliers by the Authorized Manufacturers or the Authorized Distributors.

Authorized Reseller
The companies regarded as an excellent reseller by EMRO with a recommendation of the Authorized Manufacturers or the Authorized Distributors.