EM Certified Products

MAPLE HAKAI IS A IMMUNITY BUILDER AGAINST CATERPILLAR, BORER ETC. Hakai is a complex bio derivative that is a conglomeration of two organic compounds in nano forms. This organic nano formulation helps in efficient release mechanisms to create stable droplets which works at lower dosage, also ensures wide coverage; consequently the product has performed well on insect pest protection on plants.
Crops: All Crops
Presentation: 100 mL & 250 mL.
Crops: All Crops
Presentation: 100 mL & 250 mL.
- Benefit:
- ・HAKAI is quite effective on several Lepidopteron and Coleoptile pests.
- ・It is certified organic product and does not leave any residues.
- ・It is well suited for Integrated Pest Management (IPM) practices.
- ・It helps in resistance management and safe for repeat applications.
- ・It is quite target specific and does not allow any cross resistance.
- ・It is pest specific, can be used in any crop and any agro-climatic zones.
- Usage:
- ・Dosage: 3.0 mL/Litre of Water
- ・Application Method : Foliar spray

- Contact:
Maple Orgtech (India) Pvt. Ltd