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Maple TERMIN for control of Crop Pests
The Need: Pest damage in crops often leads to a significant impact on productivity and quality of crop. The use of conventional insecticides and acaricides are the most common method known to bring about immediate reduction in pest populations, increased yield and reliable economic returns. In fact, chemical pesticides have virtually become sin qua non for cultivation of different crops and are often an index of progressiveness of the agricultural industry. But they have significant limitations. The extensive use of chemical pesticides to control different pests has had many well documented adverse consequences.
The Need: Pest damage in crops often leads to a significant impact on productivity and quality of crop. The use of conventional insecticides and acaricides are the most common method known to bring about immediate reduction in pest populations, increased yield and reliable economic returns. In fact, chemical pesticides have virtually become sin qua non for cultivation of different crops and are often an index of progressiveness of the agricultural industry. But they have significant limitations. The extensive use of chemical pesticides to control different pests has had many well documented adverse consequences.

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Maple Orgtech (India) Pvt. Ltd