Case Studies
The Beautiful EM garden
In Germany, Karin Zwermann, who became a certified EM consultant since 2006, has been using EM for over 15 years. She cultivates and manages her 2000-square-meter garden with EM and all of her soul and gives lectures at EMIKO and in her garden, she also provides consultations, oversees projects, and hosts events relating to EM technology.In 2015, her book “EM Effective Microorganisms in the Garden” was published as an EM guidebook.
She got to know EM in June 2006 with her husband Karl Zwermann who was president of the German Horticultural Society. They participated in EM workshop at EMIKO. After the workshop, she tried out EM in her garden and it produced excellent results. EM was active throughout her garden. In the same year, she trained as a certified EM consultant and refreshed this training again in 2012.

EM Application in the garden
Upon Entering her garden, one can see countless varieties of roses, peonies, clematis, vegetables, and more. All of them are healthy, vigorous and large, including the box hedges which don’t get damaged by harmful insects easily.

The EM is applied as below:
・Plants were watered with EM.
・A mixture of bokashi was applied primarily rock flour, and malt germ as fertilizer.
・EM compost which Mrs. Zwermann has been making herself for years was added to the mix.
・Plants were watered with EM.
・A mixture of bokashi was applied primarily rock flour, and malt germ as fertilizer.
・EM compost which Mrs. Zwermann has been making herself for years was added to the mix.

EM village
EM is applied not only in her garden. Karin Zwerman promoted EM technology in her hometown together with her husband. EM has been used in her hometown of Usingen on all trees, flower beds, and potted plants for over 12 years, so local people know what EM is and how to use it. Usingen is the only town in Germany that has been working with EM.The gardeners regularly received 200L of Soil Activator and use it for a wide variety of applications. Old historical hedges and yew trees that are 300 years old could be made vigorous again with EM. The trees receive annual lance fertilization in the root area with EM and organic fertilizer. In addition, newly planted trees that were watered with EM, grow much faster, stronger, and healthier.
Moreover, a public rose garden was established in the village of Wernborn a district in a suburb of Usingen. The roses become a great symbol of the village.

Her life is filled with Joy, love, and EM
Karin Zwerman is lively with billions of little helpers.She uses examples from her experience to explain how and why EM works, where it is used, and what conditions the microbes need to work to their full potential. There are countless stories that tell of a fulfilled EM life. She is highly committed to EM technology. We would like to thank Karin and Karl Zwermann for their tireless commitment to making EM better known.
(Updated in September, 2022)