EM Certified Products

EMIKO® StallReiniger für Nutztiere
Germany / Animal/Husbandry, Hygiene & Cleaning
EMIKO StallReiniger (Barn Cleaner for livestock) is a fully biological stable cleaner with only positive, constructive microorganisms for hygiene control in the stable. It eliminates the smell of urine and other bad smells, binds dust and reduces the formation of gases (ammonia, methane, nitrous oxide) to protect the respiratory tract. The significantly reduced fly burden in the barn prevents stress in the animals and promotes their well-being. Even stubborn dirt deposits on walls and stable inventory are gradually metabolized and dirt adheres less strongly. The development and spread of germs and mold are prevented. EMIKO StallReiniger is ideal for new colonization with good microorganisms after cleaning and disinfection measures.
- Benefit:
- ・100% natural
- ・Eliminates bad odors without chemicals
- ・Rot is counteracted
- ・Increases the well-being of the animals
- ・Suitable for organic farming, tested by ABCERT AG.
- Usage:
- ・After cleaning and disinfection measures / before installation: generously wet all stable surfaces (floors, furnishings, walls, ceilings) diluted 1:5 with water; Amount applied per 100 m² = 5 litres
- ・Weekly application in the occupied barn (all animal species): Wet all stable surfaces diluted 1:10 with water; Amount applied per 100 m² = 2 litres
- ・For basic cleaning of the barn areas for all animal species: Spray pure 1-2 times a year; Amount applied per 100m² = 10 litres EMIKO StallReiniger can be sprayed in the stable with a backpack sprayer or other spray devices.

- Contact:
EMIKO Handelsgesellschaft mbH