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EMIKO® PetCare Bio Ergänzungsfuttermittel
This probiotic food supplement is produced from 100% natural ingredients grown on certified organic farms. The fermented herbal extract has a high content of natural antioxidants and therefore contributes to improving your animal’s well-being and maintaining its health.
In some cases, sensitive animals suffer extremely from the fact that we cannot offer them the feed and living conditions which their organism has got used to while evolving in the wild. Originally taken up with the food, typical microorganisms are now lacking in their daily feed. They do not fulfill their function, which is to to promote an ideal digestion and build defense mechanisms.
With the help of EM technology, EMIKO® PetCare Bio Ergänzungsfuttermittel (Bio Supplementary Feed Liquid) is utilizing positive strains of microorganisms for dogs and cats. Thus the choice of feed, which used to be instinctive, can be emulated naturally, and the daily feed ration can be enhanced significantly. The milieu in the intestines, the feed conversion, and therefore the digestion, can be influenced positively.
A healthy intestinal milieu requires strong intestinal mucosa to protect from pathogens and toxins, whilst at the same time preventing any infestation by intestinal parasites. You can give EMIKO® PetCare Bio Ergänzungsfuttermittel through the feed or directly into the mouth. Is is also particularly suitable for pregnant and lactating bitches/cats, as well as young and old animals.

- Contact:
EMIKO Handelsgesellschaft mbH
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