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EMIKO® Bokashi Balls
Germany / Water Treatment, Environment
EMIKO® Bokashi Balls are a traditional water improvement product containing EM Effective Microorganisms. Bokashi Balls are also known in Germany as “Dangos” or internationally as “mud balls” and have been used since the introduction of EM technology to break down soil sediments and putrefaction in standing and flowing waters.
EMIKO® Bokashi Balls sink to the bottom of the water and disintegrate there. EM Effective Microorganisms quickly reach their desired place of action and produce their effect of reducing the sediment.
EMIKO® Bokashi Balls sink to the bottom of the water and disintegrate there. EM Effective Microorganisms quickly reach their desired place of action and produce their effect of reducing the sediment.

- Contact:
EMIKO Handelsgesellschaft mbH
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