EM Certified Products

EMIKO® HorseCare Bio Ergänzungsfuttermittel
A shiny coat and good general health are the outward signs of a healthy digestive system. EMIKO® HorseCare Bio Ergänzungsfuttermittel (Supplementary Feed Liquid) is made entirely with ingredients grown on certified organic farms and an extract from prized fermented herbs, which was developed specifically for horses.
In their natural environment, wild horses instinctively eat a variety of herbal plants together with any microorganisms living on them, in order to benefit from the positive effect on their organism. In EMIKO® HorseCare Bio Ergänzungsfuttermittel, these strains of positive microorganisms are utilized with the help of EM technology. In this manner, you can emulate your horse’s previously instinctive choice of food in a natural way, and positively influence the intestinal milieu, the assimilation of feed, and thus the whole digestive process.
The natural nutritional quality of horse feed is often very low because of intensive farming methods and can no longer satisfy the needs of the horse. The hay ration is also often made up of grasses which are lacking in variety and at the same time it is short on healthy herbs. If unphysiological feeding is added to this, more and more horses will suffer from bowel diseases, metabolic problems, allergies, and weak immune systems.
Did you know that about 60-70% of a horse’s own immune system is located in the intestines? An ideal digestion is therefore not only important for better bioavailability of supplied nutrients, but also for optimum health. A healthy intestinal milieu requires strong intestinal mucosa to protect from pathogens and toxins, whilst at the same time preventing any infestation by intestinal parasites.
Through EMIKO® HorseCare Bio Ergänzungsfuttermittel you will give your horse the valuable constituents of the herbs together with the specific mixture of EM Effective Microorganisms, which can work as small digestive helpers and affect the intestines positively.

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EMIKO Handelsgesellschaft mbH