Dr.Teruo Higa’s
Living A Dream


#110 Disaster Countermeasures Using EM

#110 Disaster Countermeasures Using EM
Disaster Countermeasures Using EM
Natural disasters such as the Kumamoto earthquake, floods in Tohoku and Hokkaido, and record-breaking heat are occurring frequently. On the other hand, it is no exaggeration to say that places where there is no rain and drought have become commonplace. On Disaster Prevention Day various training was done that assumed that the Nankai Offshore Earthquake had taken place. However, in crisis management in which individuals and community groups work to protect people, there is a limit to the amount of drinking water and food that can be stockpiled, and the response after the disaster is dependent on the capacity of local administrations and volunteers. When it comes to damage caused to agriculture and fisheries by natural disasters, people can only resign themselves to being unfortunate.
September 22, 2015. Joso City, spraying activated EM to clean a flooded house
September 22, 2015. Joso City, spraying activated EM to clean a flooded house
Hygiene measures after Natural Disasters
Since the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake, sanitation measures after earthquake disasters by EM volunteers have been constantly ongoing. In addition, although EM is widely used for sanitary measures after floods and measures against infectious diseases, Thailand uses EM at the national level. At the time of the once-per-century flood in 2011, the Army, the Ministry of the Environment, the Public Housing Corporation and others formed a committee that adopted EM use throughout the country, used several thousand tons of activated EM solution, and millions of EM bokashi mudballs introduced by volunteers. (Please see a case study "EM to Fight the Worst Flood in Thailand History.") Since then, regional hygiene problems using EM, centered in Bangkok, have remarkably improved, purification of many water systems has progressed, and the effects continue to the present.
Behind this success is the great achievement by the Headquarters of the Sekai Kyusei Kyo Thailand Foundation in human resource development and the dissemination of Nature Farming methods and environmental measures utilizing EM. There have been over 100,000 people who have received EM training directly or indirectly at the Kyusei Nature Farming Asia Training Center that was established by the same organization in Saraburi Province.
Among them, there have been more than 20,000 national and local government officials, teachers, army soldiers, Buddhist officials and hospital officials, and these people have become leaders and have instructed even more people on the use of EM.

In addition, as a project of the Army and Public Housing Corporation to contribute to society, in order to support the independence of poor farmers there is a workshop in which EM technology can be acquired systematically in a day, and 5,000 to 10,000 people are attending this each year. Therefore, in Thailand there are more than 2 million people who know the power of EM. The mass media also positively reports about it, and the Ministry of Agriculture is actively promoting the use of EM to promote Nature Farming and organic agriculture. This is the history behind the necessity of using EM at the national level.

Regarding hygiene measures and radiation countermeasures using EM after the Great East Japan Earthquake, we have introduced the results in this site and on DND (Digital New Deal), and there have been remarkable results, too, after the Kinugawa Great Flood in Ibaraki last year, like those reported on DND by Mr. Deguchi. Both are due to support from outside the affected area, but fortunately there are many people who know EM, and the results come from their active cooperation in the affected areas.
In the Kumamoto earthquake it was clear that EM had taken a further step forward in the response after the disaster. I refer to the systematic EM volunteer work in the Kawachi district of Kumamoto City. I have frequently introduced the Kawachi district in this site and in my books, a district that has made EM an integral part of local society and utilizes it as a potential intangible asset.
September 22, 2015. Ishige district of Joso City, EM spraying project at garbage collection site, which is piled high with furniture, tatami mats and other objects that were swept away by the flood
September 22, 2015. Ishige district of Joso City, EM spraying project at garbage collection site, which is piled high with furniture, tatami mats and other objects that were swept away by the flood
Kawachi district, where there was relatively little damage, organized EM volunteers immediately after the disaster, and distributed EM and did EM activities. In confused situations like that, there was no system for government offices to accept individuals wanting to help, so everything began by leaving things up to volunteers.
With the passage of time, with the support of the EM Dissemination Associations and U-net (United Networks for Earth Environment), the required EM supply system was put in place and it is now possible to provide considerable aid to areas that are in need.
This system is not a temporary one in which “a crisis once past is too soon forgotten.”  This is because the entire Kawachi area adopted a complete crisis management system utilizing EM as freely as the air and water. My hope is that each municipality will aggressively follow this example and use EM on a daily basis and, in response to any disasters, minimize the damage and accelerate recovery.
The Microbiome, which controls the soundness of all health and the environment
I came to the conclusion thirty five years ago that it is possible to solve some essential problems by artificially increasing the number of useful microorganisms to a large extent and changing the indigenous bacteria into a base of beneficial bacteria, and I have been working on spreading the use of EM ever since. Various forces resisting this have blocked my way, but as my research advanced, my arguments were shown to be right and irrefutable. In essence, the conclusion is that it all depends on the amount used and methods employed. In this whole wide world, EM is the only microbial material whose safety has been confirmed, and is a product that everyone can freely activate and utilize in many different situations.
May 15, 2016. Free distribution of activated EM at Shiroyama public hall in the Kawachi district of Kumamoto City
May 15, 2016. Free distribution of activated EM at Shiroyama public hall in the Kawachi district of Kumamoto City
If you use it, anyone will understand that its versatility, which might seem dubious at first, is supported by EM’s ability antioxidant property, nonionizing actions, and the power of EM to convert harmful energy to useful energy. These function equally on all things, with no exceptions.
Creating a Disaster-resistant Country
Naturally, as the density of EM rises and its functionality goes in action, not only radiation, but also all harmful substances are rendered harmless or decomposed, and harmful electromagnetic waves become harmless when EM rectifying power is increased; furthermore, it will be converted to energy that is beneficial for our health and the environment.
Since this function accumulates, if one devotes oneself to the EM lifestyle, it will strengthen microbiota (human microflora) and microbiome (microflora) of the environment, and can lead everything in the direction of revitalization. The phenomenon occurring in Okinawa mentioned in the previous article is the application of the EM rectification force. There is also indirect evidence that earthquake, tsunami and flood damage were remarkably reduced in places that had raised field energy (rectifying power) through utilizing EM, but it is true I have hesitated to announce this publicly.
If weather changes continue as they have, there is no choice but to use EM as freely as the water or air for civil engineering and construction, or in any environmental field. Looking at things from a broad perspective, the majority of natural disasters are caused by the increase in entropy. In other words, it means that energy loses regularity and continues to be increasingly disordered.
As a measure to deal with this, the energy that has become disordered and harmful (thermal contamination) must be released outside the earth’s system, but greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, methane, nitrogen compound gas, etc.) slow down its flow. In order to solve this problem, we must rectify the state of energy and convert it from entropy (collapse) to syntropy. To do that, we need to use EM on a global scale as freely as the air or water. We have reached the level of practical application of EM where it can contribute to increased durability and earthquake resistance, as well as help considerably ease shock waves caused by thunder and typhoons and heavy rain through its rectifying power.
Civil engineering buildings using EM themselves have the power to clean the air and water, and have the power to prevent an increase in entropy, and if this technology is used for roads and embankments, they will function to help prevent disasters. Also, if you actively use EM in forests and agricultural land, the microbiome will be revitalized, strengthening the environmental conservation power of plants and microorganisms, including photosynthesis. One need not wait for theory to justify this. At the same time, this will protect human health, enrich the ecosystem, and actively preserve biodiversity.
May 15, 2016. Free distribution of activated EM at Nishi-ku Ward Office public hall, Kawachi district of Kumamoto City
May 15, 2016. Free distribution of activated EM at Nishi-ku Ward Office public hall, Kawachi district of Kumamoto City
(September 9, 2016)
Courtesy of Ecopure

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