Dr.Teruo Higa’s
Living A Dream


#155 Implementing EM graviton farming as a flood countermeasure for  apple orchards 

#155 Implementing EM graviton farming as a flood countermeasure for 
apple orchards 
More than a year after Typhoon No. 19 flooded the area last year, on October 13, 2019, the damage caused by the collapse of the flood banks along the Chikuma River in Nagano Prefecture has been far greater than anticipated. Generally, it takes two to three years for apple orchards that are completely submerged to return to their original state. Including the great flood in southern Kumamoto this year, flood damage due to abnormal weather is occurring more frequently.

It is predicted that such a phenomenon will continue in the near future, but there are limits to what conventional technology can do, and fundamental measures using different perspectives are required.

First, let us take a look at the power of EM graviton farming.

These miraculous apples are the result of work by from organizations such as U-net (United Networks for Earth Environment) centered on EM Seikatsu Inc.. Because it is extremely important information, I will introduce Mr. Iwase’s report of EM Seikatsu Inc. as is. This method can be applied to all fruit trees, not only in areas where disasters are a concern, and it can also make true Nature Farming, completely pesticide-free and free of chemical fertilizers, possible as well.

Recovered from the flood damage from Typhoon No. 19!
EM apples produced in Nagano Prefecture

On October 13, 2019, Typhoon No. 19 brought heavy rain and the flood banks of the Chikuma River, where the water level rose, collapsed. An apple orchard in the lowlands next to the Chikuma River was submerged over a wide range of area. Last year’s harvest and shipment had just begun in early October.

Click here for a video summarizing the situation after the flood.
I used EM to control the odor of rotten apples and sludge, and to improve the soil, and worked to restore the apple orchard. At first, since all the apple trees were submerged in water, I thought this year’s harvest was hopeless, but as I continued to spray EM, the trees have regained their vitality and were able to bear fruit this year as well. Please enjoy our Iwaien’s apples revived by using EM!
Iwaien apples
Producer: Takato Iwai, Iwaien
Obuse Town, Kamitakai County, Nagano Prefecture
Iwaien apples
Producer: Takato Iwai, Iwaien
Obuse Town, Kamitakai County, Nagano Prefecture

Activity report at Iwaien, in Nagano Prefecture by EM Seikatsu Inc. 

【About Iwaien, Obuse Town, Kamitakai County, Nagano Prefecture】
Management area Total of 3ha, 1.5ha used for apples
Pesticides use As per conventional standards. Used according to the growth result. Striving to reduce pesticides.
Number of years since introducing EM Over 10 years.
Yearly application of 100 Liters of activated EM solution, 100kg of EM Bokashi and 5kg of EM ceramics per 10 ares. 

◆ Implementing graviton farming in growing apples
From 2018, we applied only salt, charcoal and activated EM.
Due to major changes in the cultivation environment, such as the climate related to growing apples, we actively engaged in new graviton agriculture without using fertilizer, Bokashi or compost.
  Implementation area Result
2018 0.5ha Yield increased.
2019 1ha The best result ever before the disaster submerged the orchard.
I was even more convinced after eating the unsubmerged apples left in the field.
2020 1.5ha We worked on the entire area of the apple orchard after the collapse of the Chikuma River flood banks.

◆EM amount used and method (for 300 apple trees in the 1.5ha area)
Applied 15 tons of activated EM liquid, spraying on the soil.
Made a mixed material using 2 tons of salt, 1 ton of EM graviton charcoal, and 300 liters of activated EM solution and sprayed it on the soil.
Used 2 tons of EM graviton charcoal, spreading 7 to 8kg of EM graviton charcoal around the base of each tree. 

2000 EM Bracon (EM rectifying blocks made with cement, charcoal, EM ceramic powder, sand and salt) installed around the base of four trees and four tree canopies.

Expanded the barrier with plastic bottles installed every 20m. The rope should be stretched higher than the trees. 
(*Currently, a method without using ropes is also being developed)


◆ The damage after the Chikuma River flood banks collapsed
Fruit trees in the entire farmland area and the first floor of the shipping area were completely under water.
All the photos show the situation five days after the collapse 
All the photos show the situation five days after the collapse 
All the photos show the situation five days after the collapse 
All the photos show the situation five days after the collapse 
◆ Disaster recovery support activities
Implemented as a response from EM Seikatsu Inc.
Out of a total of 3ha of fields, EM graviton farming technology was applied to1.5ha of the most heavily damaged apple fields.

【Support received】
•    Activated EM from Nagano U-net Suwa 
•    Activated EM, Bamboo charcoal, aquatic plant compost from Mr. Yamazaki
•    EM bokashi from the Green Society (Midori no kai)
•    Neighboring U-net member, Mr. Kaneko, allowed use of his house as a staging area
•    A total of twenty workers from EM Seikatsu Inc.

October Sprayed 3000 liters of activated EM with salt on soil, conducted debris removal 
•    Set up 2000 liters of activated EM with salt
•    Used activated EM in 700 plastic 500 ml bottles
•    Arranged EM1, molasses, ceramics, EM WATER
•    Prepared general disaster recovery goods
•    Prepared a basic disaster manual for distribution 
November Sprayed 3900 liters of activated EM with salt on soil, removed debris, apple removal from the trees
Set 2000 liters of activated EM with salt
December Sprayed a 1:100 dilution of activated EM on trees three times
Washed off mud and oil adhering to trees
Placed bamboo charcoal at the base of the trees in the field where oil flowed.
Spread EM bokashi throughout the entire area 
October: disaster recovery support activities
October: disaster recovery support activities
October: Debris removal
October: Debris removal
October: Sprayed activated EM
October: Sprayed activated EM
November: Sprayed activated EM over apples after removing them from the trees
November: Sprayed activated EM over apples after removing them from the trees
◆ Preparation for 2020 harvesting 
Even during this pandemic, volunteers, mainly the staff of EM Seikatsu Inc. helped us to recover from the flood damage.

EM graviton agricultural technology was applied to 1.5ha of the most heavily damaged apple orchard.

【Support received】
EM graviton charcoal from Iwate Compost and the EM Research Organization
April Making and spraying an EM mixed material of charcoal with salt.
Spreading EM graviton charcoal around the base of apple trees.
Burying EM Bracon (EM rectifying blocks made with cement, charcoal, EM ceramic powder, sand and salt) where EM graviton charcoal was spread in four places on canopies and four places around the base of trees.
Modification and expansion of barriers, installation of drip method to enhance the stacking effect.
May Making and spraying EM mixed material of charcoal with salt.
Spreading EM graviton charcoal around the base of apple trees.
Debris removal, removing apples from the trees.
June Sprayed 2000 liters of activated EM on soil.
Removal of debris, removing apples from the trees.
July Sprayed 2000 liters of activated EM on soil.
August Sprayed 2000 liters of activated EM on soil.
September One time spraying on foliage of mixed liquid with 2000 liters of activated EM and a 1:500 dilution EM・3S with EM・X GOLD.
We performed maintenance every time we visited after the barrier was set up. (12 times in total)

(Maintenance details)
Checked whether the line of the barrier point was broken or not.
Sprayed EM・X GOLD on barrier bottles.
Added EM water as needed to the drip system that enhances the layering effect. 

Throughout the whole process, we were particularly conscious of remembering the poem praising EM and giving thanks to all those who helped us. 
Making mixed material with EM charcoal with salt
Making mixed material with EM charcoal with salt
Divided EM graviton charcoal into small containers; one container is for two apple trees.
Divided EM graviton charcoal into small containers; one container is for two apple trees.
Spreading around the tree base 
Spreading around the tree base 
Regularly sprayed EM・X GOLD on barrier plastic bottles
Regularly sprayed EM・X GOLD on barrier plastic bottles
Setting up the drip system for enhancing the layering effect 
Setting up the drip system for enhancing the layering effect 
◆ Iwaien at the time of harvest in 2020

<Comments from producers>
The results were good since 2018, the first year implementing EM graviton agriculture, and in 2020, the results were better compared to those of neighboring farmers, with the trees so fruitful it was hard for the fruit picking to keep up. Compared to neighboring farmers, the neutral varieties such as Kogyoku, Shinano Sweet and Akibae all have the highest crispness, coloring, taste and yield ever. Fuji, the main late-maturing variety, also reached mature coloring quickly and uniformly throughout the field. This year’s shipment is likely to be earlier than usual. Before working on graviton farming, it was difficult to determine the optimal harvest time because the apples were not evenly colored, and at the end of season they were often overripe and could not be sold, but this year it seems that they can be shipped without any product loss.

Next is information concerning EM-related news in Okinawa.

In April, as a countermeasure against the novel coronavirus, we markedly strengthened the functioning EM graviton barrier through the high-voltage line in Okinawa. We have seen various virus-suppressing effects, especially in plant growth. In addition, it is important to maintain one’s own health by spraying activated EM in a closed space and carrying out a complete EM lifestyle. Furthermore, in winter, put a 1:300-500 dilution of EM・X GOLD in humidifiers to create a comfortable space.

Here I would like to introduce a miraculous wax gourd reported on in the local newspaper.

Okinawa Times, Tuesday, November 3, 2020


Photo caption: Small Shibui harvested from one plant, at
Mr. Kinjo’s home in Onna village – October 30, Okinawa Times

"Producing 95 pieces from one Shibui plant!
Mr. Kinjo was surprised at his harvest in Onna village"

Mr. Fumiyo Kinjo (73) of Maeda, Onna village in Okinawa prefecture, purchased one Shibui (wax gourd) plant for about 200 yen and planted it in March this year, and it bore 95 fruits. A staff member who is in charge of the gardening section where Mr. Kinjo bought the plant was surprised, commenting, “I have never heard of Shibui bearing so much fruit.” Mr. Kinjo decided to donate most of the fruit to a school lunch center, and happily said, “I would also like to make Soki soup for my grandchildren.”

In March, Mr. Kinjo bought several medium-sized Shibui plants and one small-sized Shibui plant and planted them in the field. In June, after harvesting several Shibui, he left only one small-sized Shibui plant and cut down all the rest in order to plant another kind of vegetable. The vines grew steadily from that one plant, and when it spread to cover about one-third of the field, it began to bear fruit in August. By the end of October, 95 small Shibui had been produced. 

According to the staff member in charge of the gardening section at the Home Center Sakumoto, Koza Store, where Mr. Kinjo bought the plant, a good yield would be five to six Shibui fruits from one plant, and he speculated that a number of conditions may have contributed to the extraordinary yield, including “the fewer number of typhoons, the cold weather from October, the presence of honeybees that encourage pollination, and the good care Mr. Kinjo took of the plant.” He added, “I’ve never heard of such a case. It must be extremely rare.”

Mr. Kinjo, who says that doing field work is a soothing form of daily therapy, has been weeding and watering every morning and evening without fail, but he says that he did not thin the vines to promote growth. He was surprised and happy at the result, commenting, “I never expected for the plant to bear that much fruit!” 

He gave sixty Shibui fruits to the village school lunch center, and said that he would like to enjoy eating some and sharing with a nursery school and his neighbors.

“95 Shibui fruits from one plant!,” November 5, 2020, provided by Okinawa Times 

November 9, 2020

Courtesy of Ecopure

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