Dr.Teruo Higa’s
Living A Dream


#147 New agriculture applying quantum mechanics Part 2

#147 New agriculture applying quantum mechanics Part 2

In the previous article, I explained the direction of ultimate agriculture using quantum mechanics and its principles. The concept of quantum mechanics is premised on a world that can change into anything, and is an area that cannot be understood by conventional physics or chemistry, which are based on the principle of things being absolutely unvarying or fixed.

In other words, human consciousness (idea) is at the origin, creating a place where overlaying of good thoughts is desirable; at the same time, bad thoughts exist with equal power. As I have repeatedly discussed, the function of concentrating energy from the quantum world (elementary particles and elementary energy) is supported by microorganisms, mainly phototrophic bacteria.

Conversely, when energy is dispersed and made harmful, microorganisms that accelerate it become predominant and release and destroy energy through intense oxidative action. The earth has the worst extremes, such as chemical pollution, radioactive pollution, and electromagnetic pollution, as well as the pollution of our thoughts.

A simple solution to this situation is to make a good quality of activated EM and use it repeatedly until it is effective. At the same time, the effect doubles when we overlay our thoughts in praise of EM. The amount and frequency of application are not determined, since it depends on the degree of contamination, so keep using it until the effect is clear and then remember to manage it so that the effects do not decrease.
As I already mentioned, the quantum sea obtains infinite energy from the sea of gravity, and if that energy is aggregated, the effect will be further enhanced, and not only the growth of crops, the damage from wild birds and animals is also significantly reduced. Numerous cases like Mr. Yoshida’s, introduced in the previous article, are found throughout the country.

Needless to say again, EM technology is rapidly advancing and not fixed, but its checkpoints always include the fact that it is safe, easy to use, low cost, high quality and provides good cyclical sustainability. However, EM depends on the level of the user, and activated EM and EM technology will work at that person’s level, so there will be a big difference in the effects.

In order to improve the difference and further enhance the effect, I have shared with you how to make barriers with EM Graviton rectifying seals, charcoal and salt. However, individual differences were still noticeable, and I have received complaints from some that the effects are gradually diminishing.

The point is that it depends on the person’s thoughts, which determines the level of the person’s EM force. However, in order to resolve such complaints, it is necessary to raise the hado level of the materials used. As a countermeasure, I decided to spread the use of high-hado EM graviton charcoal, which I had been testing for several years.

Use of EM Graviton charcoal eliminates the need for plastic bottles, poles and barrier lines

Despite the extreme seriousness of damage by birds and wild animals in Japan, mountainous areas, there is no established affordable, easily implemented method, and rural depopulation is accelerating. Rural revitalization, especially in farming areas, requires technologies that ensure that the best nature farming practices are sustained and that damage by birds and wild animals is prevented.

From this point of view, it is the effective utilization of layering of EM (baker’s transformation technology), and the conversion of fields into energy fields are measures against birds and wild animals through EM barriers. The good results of Mr. Yoshida’s case in the previous article and “The model case of countermeasures against harmful birds and wild animals in Shimane through use of EM” in the January issue of the U-net Communications, are almost perfect cases and are spreading rapidly or nationwide.

It is certainly a revolutionary technology, but when the area becomes large one must consider the number of plastic bottles, poles, barrier lines, batteries and magnets used, and the subsequent management, further improvement is necessary. Many unexpected situations occur: the barrier might be destroyed due to a natural disaster, the batteries etc. rust and become inoperable, the barrier lines are cut off by a mower, etc.

If this happens, it is sufficient to use an O-ring test etc. to check whether the barrier is functioning or not and repair it. However, the reality is that there are complaints that the EM barriers have ceased to work.

To resolve this reality due to individual differences and carelessness, it is necessary to further raise the level of the hado of the charcoal used in the barrier. However, due to the limitations of the conventional method, ultra-high-hado EM graviton charcoal has been made available at reasonable pricing to U-net members only. This rectifying block (abbreviated as barrier block or Blacon, black concrete, etc.), if connected linearly with activated EM liquid, can reach as far as 20 km (according to Dr. Seki’s theory in this Web Ecopure series of articles, #104 “The Function of EM and Gravitational Waves”). In general, a 1kg barrier block is 100m, and a 100g barrier block is 10m. 


More importantly, fix the barrier block (50-100g) at the end of a 3-5m pipe, stand it in the center of the field, and set it so that the barrier line becomes like a tent. In the case of a linear barrier in a wide area, secure the barrier block to a 2-3m pipe every 50-100m. At the same time, instead of the barrier line, spray a 1: 50-100dilution of activated EM as if drawing a line with a water can. 

To improve the effect continuously, spray EM-X GOLD about once a month on one block of the barrier. There is no limit to the number of times EM-X GOLD can be sprayed, and there is a high correlation between the number of times it is sprayed and the elevation of hado. The potential voltage of electric poles and batteries is also effective, but one location is sufficient.
In other words, in the quantum world there is a superposition effect from the thoughts of the person who executes it, so it must be remembered that the probability theory depends on that person.

Measures for winter living with EM

Improving indoor environment

  • ・Spray a 1:100 dilution of EMW, activated EM and EM fermented rice rinsing water in the air.
  • ・Wipe handrails, toys, and other areas people often touch with a 1:100 dilution of EM inoculant.
  • ・Create a comfortable space by surrounding the room with rectifying EM blocks
  • ・Clean toilets with EM (EMW/ activated EM/ EM fermented rinsing rice water/ EM pudding soap).

Washing your hands thoroughly

  • ・Thoroughly wash your hands with EM soap or Bubble Guard sold by Shabondama Soap Co., Ltd.
  • ・Bubble Guard is a wonderful hand soap made through research and development done with Hiroshima University.

Taking care of Futons

  • ・Dry futon bedding after spraying a 1:100 dilution of EMW/activated EM / EM fermented rice rinsed water.

Supporting physical health

  • ・Drinking EM-X GOLD. You can drink straight EM-X GOLD or put it in a drink or a dish, etc. It is also good to spray on a Bento and side dishes.
  • ・Always eat safe and healthful foods, including dietary fiber, such as fruit puree.

Taking care of masks

  • ・Spray a 1:100 dilution of EMW/ Activated EM / EM fermented rice rinsing water inside of the mask.

A letter from Ms. Yoshiko Nakamichi, Mobara city, Chiba Prefecture

December 5, 2019

This year we obtained three Anno sweet potatoes from Tanegashima and we planted them whole, as they are. We were amazed to find that from one we could harvest 100 Anno sweet potatoes. The sweet potato field was grown using only EM Bokashi and activated EM with salt. We are so grateful to Dr. Higa, and sent him the sweet potato plant with 100 sweet potatoes. Some of the potatoes came off when we were digging, and we roasted those with our EM friends.

Sincerely,Yoshiko Nakamichi


(February 28, 2020)
Courtesy of Ecopure

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