Dr.Teruo Higa’s
Living A Dream


#21 Reaffirming the Versatility of EM

This month’s article examines the worldwide economic recession brought on by the collapse of the pyramid schemes (subprime loans) in the U.S. starting in 2008, and how we can respond to this critical situation from the viewpoint of EM.

There is no need to re-emphasize how everything in the world follows a harmonic principle of cause and effect. Since cause and effect are always linked, when bad things take place, one bad thing will follow another, adding insult to injury, as it were.

When a deep recession leads to more people losing their jobs and to living on the edge of ruin, there will also be a decline in public health, the physical immune system, as well as the social immune system (including a decline in the ability to suppress social evils, including crime). Once we have fallen into this awful state, even simple influenza can rage out of control, leading to all sorts of negative consequences. From a global perspective the most feared consequence is an avian influenza pandemic.

If EM becomes as common an element of daily life as the air and water, it will not only strengthen people’s individual immune systems, but if EM is adopted in the public sphere and proactively used in all sorts of venues, society’s immune system, too, will be fortified. Therefore, in order to break the unfortunate chain that’s occurring at present throughout the world, it is of vital importance to construct a system whereby EM becomes an essential part of society.

Needless to say, the main effect of EM is the principle of revitalization, or syntropy, which is supported by three-dimensional wave effects—antioxidant properties, anti-ionization effects, and the actions of what are believed to be gravitational waves.

These three actions are always linked, and continued use of EM will lead to a tipping point where there will be a miraculous revitalization. This effects not only animals and plants, but metals, concrete, the soil and water, the air, oil, plastics, radioactivity, chemical compounds, etc.; in fact it has the power to effect everything that exists in the world.

The natural world consists of a balance between revitalization and destruction. Everything that exists on the planet follows the undeniable reality and rule that it will, with the passage of time, oxidize, lose energy, experience entropy (break up), become a pollutant and be destroyed.

When this happens, at the stage where matter is oxidized and loses energy, it becomes ionized (takes on an electrical charge) and emits damaging waves, mainly two-dimensional electromagnetic waves.
Using EM like the Air and the Water

Within this flow, EM’s effects trace the following process. First the catalytic, antioxidant effects of EM block oxidation; at the same time, catalytic energy works on matter that has already oxidized and in which ionization has advanced, and returns it to its normal state.

EM’s catalytic effects are brought about by the helical coil found in fermenting microbes, in particular phototrophic bacteria, in other words the excitation phenomenon found in three-dimensional structure energy. This becomes a little complex, but excitation energy is the energy needed to raise something to the level of physically materializing, something found in nature only in the biological reaction to photosynthesis.

More simply put, it gathers together low-level energy that cannot be used anymore and energy that has become powerful pollutants, transforms this into usable energy, a process called materialization. In short, continuing to use EM will lead every kind of matter in the direction of revitalization, and will change all kinds of pollution into energy, energy which promotes materialization. Since this process is the exact opposite of the principle of entropy, I call it the principle of syntropy, or the principle of revitalization.

Human health, the environment, and various phenomena produced by society are always linked. Therefore it is no exaggeration to say that the only essential solution is to apply EM in every situation, using it as freely as the air and water, so that all types of pollution will be cleaned up, turned to energy, strengthening revitalization that promotes materialization.

When a society is sick, we must view the constituent parts that make up that society as sick—the people, the environment, and nature. The U.S., which has been quite self-centered, has somewhat reconsidered its stance and is beginning to change, which means capitalism is undergoing a major change as well. At the risk of over-emphasizing the point, I would like to reaffirm the following: as long as EM is used proactively, as freely as the air and the water in every sphere, the Earth-saving revolution will be advanced and a society can be built that has a strong sense of wellbeing.

Dr. Higa lectures enthusiastically throughout the country.

Many more schools are using EM in cleaning and in school gardens.

Let’s use EM in daily life—EM soap in restrooms, and EM fermented liquid from rinsed rice water when doing laundry.

EM Technology is being employed in environmental remediation, social welfare facilities and many other areas. (Top) Volunteers throwing EM mudballs into the Nihonbashi River to improve its water quality. (Bottom) Users at a social welfare facility making EM bokashi.

Courtesy of Ecopure

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