Dr.Teruo Higa’s
Living A Dream


#60: The Effects of Using EM to Inhibit the Absorption of Radioactivity as Confirmed in Fukushima

On May 17th the Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries Section of the Fukushima Prefectural government, as proposed by citizens, announced a press release giving the results of radioactive cesium shift suppression tests. This has been reported on in the news column of this magazine. In the report, the Makuta Amenities EM-Orga Agri System EM Compost clearly showed the ability to suppress radioactive cesium.

Ever since the nuclear power plant accident at Chernobyl, there has been much research done on the suppression of radioactive cesium; the most common technology usually involves use of large amounts of potassium chloride, which is very similar to cesium. In this recent test EM Compost absorbed over three times as much as potassium chloride, statistically-speaking a highly significant result.

The results showed that when EM Compost is used in contaminated soil of 10,000Bq levels, the crops absorb 7.0Bq of radioactive cesium per 1kg; in other words the complete inhibition of absorption of radioactive materials we have discussed earlier was not seen. We had told the Prefecture that it is best to combine both EM Compost and Activated EM, and showed them results we had obtained up till now, but we were told that using both together would make it difficult to determine the statistical results, which is why they declined to use both jointly.

The effectiveness of organic matter to inhibit the absorption of radioactive materials has, to some extent, been accepted, but various experiments up till now concluded that it is less effective than potassium chloride. As a result large amounts of potassium chloride have been used in the areas affected by the Chernobyl nuclear accident.

The key components of potassium chloride are the three major nutrients of plants: nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium. At first glance this sounds ideal, but unfortunately most soil in Japan has an overabundance of potassium. Adding extra potassium to overly potassium rich soil will produce crops that are coarse and hard, with a real reduction in quality. Particularly because too much potassium reduces sugar content, excess potassium is blamed for lower sugar content in sugarcane in Okinawa. 

Because of these cases, it is accepted truth among farmers who are particular about quality that there is a direct connection between excess potassium and lower quality crops. So there exists a hidden, inconvenient truth about the use of potassium chloride to inhibit absorption of radioactive cesium.

Further, in all natural potassium, potassium chloride included, there are radioactive isotopes over a certain amount. In Belarus, which was affected by the Chernobyl nuclear accident, large amounts of potassium chloride were used to prevent crops from absorbing radioactive cesium; as a result, the overall amount of radioactivity in the soil has increased, and all sorts of problems are beginning to be seen.

It is believed that because the amount of radioactivity in the radioactive isotopes in potassium normally used in agriculture is small, it is used effectively in metabolism in the body, and has no negative effects at all. This is certainly true with small amounts, but the problem arises when large amounts of potassium chloride are used. Because of the presence of radioactive cesium and strontium, the radioactivity produced by the isotopes in the potassium raises the amount of radioactivity from the radioactive cesium and strontium.

Because of this, in present day Belarus the radioactivity from applied potassium has become a real problem, with the use of potassium chloride and other types of potassium to inhibit the absorption in crops of radioactive cesium creating difficult side effects. In experiments in Fukushima in inhibiting absorption of radioactive cesium, the materials that have shown results above a certain level (as effective as potassium chloride, or less effective), have all been materials high in potassium.

EM Compost is not low in potassium, but because it is part of a natural cycle of organic material, even if it is used in cultivation there is not a cumulative increase in potassium in the soil. Therefore, the only method to produce safe, high quality agricultural products in Fukushima and radioactive hotspots is the use of EM Compost and Activated EM in tandem.

As already reported by U-Net Communications and DND and elsewhere, use of  Activated EM has reduced the amount of radiation not only in the soil and living spaces but has also, through the composting process, greatly reduced radiation in contaminated rice straw, cattle manure, and fallen leaves. In fact, farmers engaged in EM cultivation in Fukushima Prefecture are, through these methods and thorough use of Activated EM in cultivation, producing safe, high quality crops from which no radiation at all has been detected.

I have already introduced several times in this magazine the Makuta Amenities EM-Orga Agri System, a farming method that allows cultivation of safe, radiation-free, high quality crops even in regions contaminated by radiation, and consumers have also been recognizing the achievements of this method. Credit for this system goes to Mr. Makuta, who has for many years researched and refined it. Considering the total cost and how the method can be put to immediate use by any farmer, it is far superior to conventional farming methods.

From the experimental results in Fukushima Prefecture we can say conclusively that, if one uses all sorts of local organic material and composts it according to the EM-Orga Agri System, and thoroughly uses Activated EM, it will be possible throughout the Prefecture to produce safe, high-quality agricultural products that will actively protect people’s health.

At the same time, this production system will clean the entire environment, making the rivers and oceans clean and abundant, and through this we are able to envision the future of farming in Fukushima and hot spots, where radiation contamination can be effectively dealt with. It is certain that EM can be used to counter radioactive contamination, including internal exposure, and I am looking forward to official organizations recognizing this.

Here I have focused mainly on measures to counter radioactive cesium, but in Belarus strontium has also become a serious problem. Most of the radioactive cesium that enters the body, even if it is absorbed within the body, will, as long as one continues to eat uncontaminated food, be excreted within a half year. Strontium, in contrast, because it is absorbed into the bone tissue, is a source of internal exposure for an extended time. Because it is difficult to analyze strontium, it is not certain what the situation is concerning it in Japan, but from the example of Belarus we should conclude that there is strontium contamination in our country as well.

It is clear that continued use of EM will prevent crops from absorbing not only cesium but also strontium, and hopes are high regarding this in Belarus. One cannot explain the mechanism by which EM counters radioactive contamination using elemental substitution theory. It is necessary to go into more depth into EM’s real power, its anti-oxidant and anti-ion properties, and the phenomenon of syntropy and EM’s ability to render harmful energy harmless and turn it into useful energy.

Transfer coefficient of komatsuna (Japanese mustard spinach).

Komatsuna cultivated through the EM-Orga Agri System.

Dr. Higa’s book The Law of Syntropy [Revitalization].
Courtesy of Ecopure

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