Dr.Teruo Higa’s
Living A Dream


#51 Successful Radiation Countermeasures Using EM

It is six months since the Eastern Japan Earthquake occurred. At the beginning, EM really showed what it is capable of in sanitation countermeasures, and afterwards, through the efforts of numerous volunteers, we were very successful in using EM as a countermeasure against foul odors and insect pests. Some local administrations have recognized these results, and in the case of Shichigahama Township in Miyagi Prefecture, a government-led effort to rebuild the town has begun. To aid this effort, EM Laboratory Co. Ltd. has supplied fifty tons of EM and starting last month has delivered the EM in large trucks.

Until now EM volunteers has visited the effected areas to teach people how to spray EM and utilize EM Bokashi, and as the situation has stabilized local residents have begun to actively use EM. Because of this, we have set up a system to supply 1-2 one-ton tanks of EM to every city, town and village in Iwate Prefecture with an EM tanker delivering the supply every week. So now those who wish to can use EM at any time.

Miyagi Prefecture is also following this arrangement, and apart from this, the NPO U-Net’s project to create a strategic EM hub is steadily taking shape. They have set up EM Activator (Hyakubairiki) stations in five locations in Miyagi Prefecture and ten locations in Fukushima Prefecture and are running at full capacity to help in agriculture, the environment, and in radiation countermeasures.

Immediately following the earthquake I proposed a variety of ways to employ EM, which have been put into practice over a wide area through the efforts of EM volunteers; the most difficult issues to solve among these are countermeasures against radiation, and the desalinization of rice fields inundated with seawater in the tsunami. Based on my own past experience I do not see these as difficult problems to solve, and I have proposed concrete measures that should be taken, however local governments and the national government have balked at implementing them, and have not put them into practice anywhere.
Successful Radiation Countermeasures Using EM
People have criticized the use of EM to combat radiation, saying that microorganisms cannot make radiation disappear, and that there is no data presented at academic conferences to show its effectiveness. Radiation doesn’t vanish or hide on its own, so all you need to do is take measurements to see its effectiveness, but still there is no indication that EM will be used in this way. The government simply says that if EM-related cases prove its effectiveness this will be taken under advisement.

As a result, EMRO has initiated, with official approval, the use of EM in Iitate Village, part of the planned evacuation area. From the start, the goal has been to replicate the success in treating Belorus, the area downwind from the Chernobyl disaster, namely to, within one year, lower the radiation level in rice fields so that it is below the government’s set standard of 5,000 Bq/kg as a maximum safe level.

The test fields have radiation levels of 20,000 Bq. Most of this is from Cesium 137, which has a half life of 30 years. Therefore, if left alone, even after 30 years the level would still be at 10,000Bq, and it would take an additional 30 years for it to reach the 5,000 Bq deemed acceptable by the government. In other words, untreated, we would have to wait 60 years.

Therefore we decided to spray, twice a week, using 100 liters of Activated EM with 20% EM3 added, for every 10a. One month later the radiation levels had decreased by 40%, in two months by 80% and we were able to reach our goal of being under 5,000Bq.

The result is that what everyone says will take 60 years was achieved in two months. We have also noted the fact that people have been using EM beyond this experiment; EM-based farmers have used it in cultivation, and people have been applying EM on a voluntary basis on school grounds, asphalt, and in their own home gardens, etc.

Farmers using EM have, without exception, noted lower levels of radiation, and their produce falls below measureable limits. Dirt piled up in the corner of schoolyards that measures 6 microsieverts over a one-hour period has, in two months, fallen to 0.5 microsieverts, and the amount of radiation on asphalt has been cut by more than half.

From this we have found that when the radiation levels are 10,000 Bq, it is sufficient to spray, 4-5 times per year, each 10a with 100 liters of EM, and that all problems can be resolved in agriculture and livestock farming by using EM-based cultivation and cattle raising. Radiation levels in farm land above 10,000Bq are found only in so-called hotspots, and almost none at all in the planned evacuation areas, so it is possible to solve all problems by changing to an EM-based lifestyle, EM agriculture, and EM animal husbandry, one in which EM is used as freely as the air and water.

Even in areas that are highly polluted, it is possible to resolve the problem by increasing the amount of EM applied, and using rice bran and other organic materials to increase the concentration of EM; doing this makes large scale decontamination completely unnecessary. Since a method to solve this has become so self evident, as I have discussed previously, a halt was put to the Sunflower Project and the production of oils and fats in a 100 ha area of the Kashima district in Minami Soma City; the sunflowers were plowed under, converted into EM organic compost, and we have set the goal of, by next year, planting rice using EM in fields that are totally free of radiation pollution.
Desalinizing Rice Fields Inundated with Seawater in the Tsunami
In this column, and in DND (Digital New Deal), I have emphasized that, with Japan having so much rain, rice fields will be naturally desalinized, and that they should be planted right away; if one does soil puddling using 100 liters of EM per 10a, and 100-200 kg of EM Bokashi, there is no need for any special desalinization.

JA (Japan Agricultural Cooperatives) in Miyagi and Ishinomaki have taken note of this, but since it is difficult to put this into practice over a wide area, we confined ourselves to applying it, with the help of EM users, to rice fields in three farms: the Suzuki Organic Farm (1.5 ha in the Miyagino district of Sendai), Mr. Yoshida’s farm (30 a), and Mr. Chinba’s farm (30a), both in Ishinomaki.

In the case of Mr. Suzuki’s farm, at the government’s direction the water supply had been cut off, so as a joint experiment along with U-Net, we quickly dug a well and were able to supply enough water for a 1.5a rice field. There are plans to use this well in the winter to add additional water to fallow rice fields, and to supply underground water for untilled and unweeded rice cultivation.

Mr. Suzuki feels a strong obligation to keep supplying his customers, no matter what, so he twice did quick soil puddling to desalinate his fields, though he left the sludge to use it to enrich the soil. In contrast, Mr. Yoshida and Mr. Chiba of Ishinomaki, followed my advice and did not do any desalinization. They flooded the rice fields, added EM and Bokashi, did soil puddling, and planted rice.

The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries announced that places that have salt damage by the tsunami should not plant rice or other crops for 3-4 years.
On August 19, after the first ears of rice appeared, I visited this area to investigate how it was doing. As seen in the photograph, Suzuki Organic Farm has a wonderful crop. The sludge that came in on the tsunami has enriched the soil. Wave readings (hado) are at almost maximum levels, and I look forward to their autumn harvest.

Mr. Yoshida’s rice fields in Ishinomaki suffered almost no pest damage, and are in better shape than neighboring fields that have been desalinized four complete times; the rice has high hado levels. I expect that his rice will be of higher quality and taste better than others.’

Mr. Chiba, also of Ishinomaki, got a late start, and experienced a setback from the start with an infestation of rice water weevils. He applied 100 liters of EM to each 10a to combat the rice water weevils, and later added more EM, so he was able to stop the damage. As of August 19, his fields compare favorably to those that performed desalination four times. Mr. Chiba is a pure amateur when it comes to rice farming, as this is the first time he has grown rice, but he said, based on the results he saw with EM, that it should be easy, using just EM, to get by with no agrochemicals whatsoever. Mr. Chiba’s rice also had a high hado level, and I think it will very high quality rice.

These achievements have been acknowledged by the JA of Miyagi and JA of Ishinomaki, and responding to this natural disaster has revealed the future of rice farming in the affected areas. In other words, if the JA and Water Utilization Associations prepare a system whereby large amounts of EM can be utilized, it will be possible for the entire region to produce high yield, high quality rice without agrochemicals. If in the fall they work together to do soil puddling and let water lie in fallow fields, they will be able to cultivate rice without the use of chemical herbicides.

At the same time, the water that runs off from rice fields will clean rivers and the sea, and along with making for a more abundant ecological environment, will have a direct impact on revitalizing the fisheries industry along the coast. Shichigahama Township, along the coast in Miyagi Prefecture, suffered terrible damage, but with aid from EM Laboratory and International Nature Farming Research Center, the town has set itself the challenge of rebuilding by adopting EM farming methods.

The 2011 EM Medical Conference: Validating the Medical Uses of EM Through Case Study Presentations
The 2011 EM Medical Conference was held in Tokyo on August 20. This is an annual conference of those using EM in the medical field. Basic research presentations were made on the increased heat resistant effects of EM-X Gold, on the safety of EM-X Gold, and on achievements found in using EM-X in the medical field.
Some of the findings on increased heat resistance have already been published in the journal Kenko Seikastsu Sengen (Manifesto on a Healthy Life, vol. 8), and the results were amazing. Considering that there is no component-based cause-and-effect relationship, this indicates that, along with EM’s antioxidant effects, it also has the power to convert catalytic energy.

The safety of EM-Gold was checked by seeing its effects on the reproduction of sea urchins, an international cleanup index. Sea urchins stop reproducing in the presence of even a small amount of chemicals or heavy metals.

The experiment involved making synthetic seawater made by adding salt to an undiluted solution of EM-X Gold and testing the effects on sea urchin cell division and reproduction in this water. There were no abnormalities, with completely normal reproduction. When EM-G was used, which is five times as concentrated as EM-X Gold, it was clear there were no problems whatsoever. This proves that EM-X Gold is safe to drink in large quantities every day, and that there will be no side effects.

As to the achievements in using EM in the medical field, there were presentations discussing the efficacy of EM on various symptoms. There are many reports that show that by drinking EM, and moreover by living a complete EM lifestyle, one is able to recover an internal image and strengthen the body, and this research supports these findings.

In the field of practical applications, there were reports on drinking EM for various purposes, all of which revealed dramatic results not seen with existing medical treatment. Two reports dealt with using EM throughout a hospital, including in cleaning the hospital. EM can solve all the serious sanitation-related issues in a hospital, including cleaning, washing, and the recycling of food waste.

There were seven case studies presented of actual users drinking and using EM minerals for medical purposes, all of whom saw the same kind of amazing results we have seen discussed earlier. I am extremely grateful to all those who were willing to make presentations at the conference. My hope is that people will begin living an EM lifestyle from childhood so they never experience any of these unfortunate situations.

The experimental field in Iitate Village.

Blueberry bushes heavy with fruit.   

Sunflowers in the Kashima district, Minami Soma.

Suzuki Organic Farms.

The emergency well that was dug.

The experimental fields (all the rice fields in the background).

Mr. Yoshida’s rice field.

Mr. Chiba’s rice field.
Courtesy of Ecopure

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