Dr.Teruo Higa’s
Living A Dream


#26 Validating EMTM Medicine: Case Study Reports from EMTM Users 2009. (Part 2)

In my last essay I introduced the basic thinking behind EMTM medicine and explained some case studies that showed how, if one lives the “EM Lifestyle” in which EM-1® is as used as freely as the air and the water in daily living, it is possible to live a life in which one is free from disease. This month I would like to give some examples from case studies of the effects of EMTM syntropy (revitalization).
1. Using EMTM to combat retinitis pigmentora
The presenter was Dr. Yoshihiro Takano, top adviser to the Tokushukai Hospital, as well as head of the Nakatane Clinic. Retinitis pigmentora (glaucoma), which involves a disorder of the retina, is a genetic, progressive disease of the eye in which one’s field of vision steadily becomes more constricted, and the ability to distinguish colors is affected to the point where the world looks like a black and white photograph.

There is no way to halt the progress of this intractable disease, which ends with loss of vision, and there has been no reported case in the past of the disease being cured. Starting in 2006 Dr. Takano began having trouble going up and down stairs and was resigned to losing his vision before much longer. At the time I talked with him about cases in which people’s condition had improved through drinking EM・X® Gold and using EMTM ceramics powder, but he didn't take this too seriously at the time.

In August, 2008, he met Mr. Manai, who had seen miraculous improvement in his ALS through drinking EM・X® Gold, and this became the stimulus for him for seriously begin using EM・X® Gold and EMTM ceramics powder.
Within a few weeks his field of vision improved, as did his ability to distinguish colors, and he reported on these developments at the EMTM Medical Conference in November. Various tests have confirmed that the progress of his disease has been halted and that his symptoms have improved, and he commented to me that this might be the first case in the world of this intractable disease being cured.

In the past Dr. Takano had always attended EMTM conferences accompanied by his secretary, who helped him get around, but about a half a year after this he surprised people by coming by himself from Tokyo to attend this conference, in excellent health, getting around easily on his own.  From November of last year he increased the amount of EMTM ceramics powder he drank, and his field of vision has improved even more and he is able now to distinguish, for example, five different colored pens. He is able to help others who have this disease and he reports that they are starting to see many encouraging results. The tendency in medicine today is to give up any hope of treating a disease that is seen as genetic and progressive, but the syntropy effects of EM TechnologyTM have been bringing about some miraculous results.

It is believed that the majority of eye diseases result from powerful free radicals including ultraviolet rays, and is connected with imperfectly functioning DNA. It is becoming increasingly clear, though, that EMTM has the power to eliminate free radicals and help functions damaged by free radicals be restored.

The number of cases in which applying drops of EM・X® Gold into the eyes 5-8 times per day has made cataracts vanish and has stopped the progression of glaucoma are too numerous to mention. Among these are reports of several weeks of such applications of EM TechnologyTM leading to complete recovery from retinopathic disease. These may sound hard to believe, but they clearly show the revitalizing power of EMTM.
2. Polycystic kidney disease: “A Reclamation Plant within a Defective Body”  (Living an EMTM Lifestyle for 9 Years)
Polycystic kidney disease is an intractable, genetic disease in which numerous vesicles, called cysts, form within the kidneys, leading to swelling of the kidneys. This report was from Mr. Hajime Sawai of Hokkaido, who had both kidneys removed and has been on dialysis.

After he contracted polycystic kidney disease and his kidneys didn't function anymore and he was put on dialysis, his prognosis was still not good. After trying all possible treatments his condition continued to decline, but fortunately, after a long process, he learned about EMTM. Mr. Sawai suffered from many other diseases besides kidney disease, and went through much mental anguish, but he began trying all sorts of EM products, including EM・X® Gold, and another EMTM related products.

As a result his worst symptoms slowly improved, and before long he was able to be an EMTM volunteer, make many friends through these activities; he reported that through these his ability to perceive the reality behind not only human relations but things in general greatly improved, to the point where he felt he was reaching a state of enlightenment about life.

Mr. Sawai reported that through participating in EMTM activities he not only experienced a steady improvement on a physical level, in his disease-ridden body, but he felt a psychological lift as well. Now he looks back at the terrible condition he was in as part of the process by which he was lifted up, and views all of his past in a more positive light. “Enlightenment begins,” he stated, “with viewing everything that happened in the past as all good and necessary.” When you're battling an intractable disease and feel your life is about to draw to a close prematurely, it is not easy to think in this way and understandably one tends to give up hope.

When you’ve been resigned to death, regaining your health makes you realize how blessed life really is. After encountering EMTM, Mr. Sawai has gotten so healthy it’s hard to believe he has an intractable disease; he lives everyday vigorously, with a positive attitude to life, and through his EMTM activities he is able to pass on the blessings he received to countless others.

The anti-oxidant effects of EMTM eliminate excess free radicals within the body and render them harmless. Further, the anti-ionization effects of EMTM break apart the pollutants within the body that have electrically bonded together—the heavy metals and chemicals—and eliminate them from the body. This results in a normalization of links (gaps) between cells, a strengthening of nerve connections between cells, and more smoothly functioning metabolism.

This is still on the level of hypothesis, but we have confirmed all sorts of phenomenon that lead us to believe that the dimensional waves (gravitational waves) produced by the unique 3D helix structure of EMTM that provides a sort of excitation energy to cells and structures. Starting with EM・X® Gold and EMTM ceramics, many EMTM products have the power to render harmless the harmful effects of electromagnetic waves and radioactivity. Further, there have been cases in plants in which it is believed that ultraviolet waves have been active in photosynthesis. This excitation phenomenon has been found in plants, human beings, buildings, and all kinds of materials. Another way to put is to say that EMTM’s 3D helix changes harmful waves and energy to useful energy. If you consider how phototrophic bacteria can be mixed in with clay and then fired at 1200 degrees centigrade with no deactivation of their genetic information, I believe it is difficult to deny the phenomenon of syntropy.


The EMTM Medical Conference.

The Okinawa Shoko Clinic.

Dr. Takano reporting on his personal experience.

Explaining data on visual tests.

Mr. Sawai, now healthy and active.

Courtesy of Ecopure

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