Dr.Teruo Higa’s
Living A Dream


#25 Validating EMTM Medicine: Case Study Reports from EMTM Users 2009. (Part 1)

In celebration of the one-year anniversary of the founding of the Shokokai Healthcare Corporation Okinawa Shokokai Clinic in the EM Wellness Center, a conference was held, with the name given in the title above, to present case study reports. The conference was held in the multi-purpose hall of the Ayakari no Mori facility operated by Kitanakagusuku village, downhill from the EM Wellness Center, and it was standing room only with people from all over Japan in attendance.

As you are no doubt aware, the Okinawa Shokokai Clinic is designed to validate and promote the use of EMTM in medical practice. As I often remark, we live in a sea of microorganisms, and ecology at the microbial level follows the principle that the presence of either effective (good) microbes or harmful (bad) microbes will determine not only the environment, but animal and plant production, as well as human health.

If EMTM is applied as freely as the air and water in the natural world, in primary industries, and in ordinary productive activities and daily life, effective (good) microorganisms will be predominant in the microbial environment that surrounds us. Needless to say, because EMTM has a strong anaerobic character, it is difficult for it to dominate in the present state of oxygen distribution (about 21% of the atmosphere). Left on its own, it will always be a minority in nature and will be unable to demonstrate its power.

The essential effects of EMTM are brought about by a revitalizing phenomenon (syntropy), that is the compound function of three elements resulting from the actions of EM enzymes: antioxidation, anti-ionization, and the wave vibrations of three-dimensional (3D helical) longitudinal waves that are believed to be gravitational waves. As long as there is a cumulative effect from EMTM enzymes, EMTM will be effective even if it is not living, so it is important to continue applying EM TechnologyTM without being concerned about whether the microbes are alive or not.

In other words, use EMTM until you see good results, and even after results are seen, continue to use it freely so its effects will rise to the next level, and the revitalizing phenomenon of syntropy will be found in every possible area. Adding EM・1® to concrete and paint, for instance, will fix the catalytic effects of enzymes; in a building such as the EM Wellness Center’s Hotel Costa Vista, an old, decaying building can be completely revitalized. Revitalizing effects are further strengthened when EMTM is used in daily cleaning and around sink areas, and semi-permanent effects can be obtained. Compared to three and half years ago, the revitalizing effects are even more evident, surprising people who haven't visited the hotel for a few years. Therefore, from the viewpoint of the principles of applying EMTM, it is a fundamental mistake to believe that one shouldn’t use EM・1® in cold temperatures because the microbes won't multiple. It is vital to continue to use EM・1® in all seasons and no matter what the level of humidity may be.

Through the basic effects of EMTM, EMTM medicine creates an environment in which illness will not occur, and has as one of its main purposes the maintenance of health so people do not fall ill. If this principle is applied, it is possible to regain natural healing power to deal with even chronic diseases that unfortunately modern medicine cannot treat.

At this year’s conference on validating EMTM medicine, Dr. Sugimoto, chair of the Shokokai, spoke first, and explained how medical practice in Japan focuses on treating illness and does not fully recognize the importance of preventing disease, and he presented several case studies comparing Japan to other countries.

Dr. Sugimoto explained that in order for disease not to occur, the essential response has to be focused on creating a situation in which effective microorganisms (good microbes) can predominate in the minutest environment that surrounds living beings, namely the microflora. Dr. Sugimoto firmly emphasized that we must EMTM-ize, so to speak, not only our surroundings but the environment within the human body itself, and he made very clear the aims of EMTM medicine.

Putting the EM Lifestyle into Practice

Following Dr. Sugimoto’s presentation, almost as if by pre-arrangement, was a case study report from Mr. Toshiharu Hamada of Yokosuka City, who, for over twelve years, has been putting into practice a thoroughgoing “EM Lifestyle.” His presentation revealed conclusive evidence of exactly what EMTM medicine is aiming at.

Mr. Yamada’s children suffered from typical allergens, his oldest son from atopy, his younger son from allergies, and after trying all sorts of approaches they found themselves in the dilemma brought on by contemporary approaches, and things only got worse. It was then that he discovered EMTM.

In a very highly engaging way, Mr. Yamada described how his basic approach was to make good quality of Activated EM・1® and use it in every area around the home it could be applied in —in cleaning, in washing clothes, in the bath, in the toilet, in painting, etc.—with the result that his sons completely overcame their allergic reactions, and Mr. Yamada himself grew physically healthier. More details can be found later in the volume of case studies to be published by the EM International Medical Conference, but briefly, Mr. Yamada said that through many experiences applying EMTM he feels he has become an EMTM expert, to the point where he feels like he himself is evolving into EMTM.

In other words, he has become a “Master of the EM Lifestyle,” who takes responsibility for his own health, a leader who can employ EM TechnologyTM, which is safe, pleasant to use, and economical, to solve health and environmental issues he faces in daily life. As I have often explained, by using EMTM in one’s daily life one can discover happiness and joy; taken to the next level, one can create one’s own happiness and joy. And by communicating this information to others one can create a way of life that is a kind of virtuous circle whereby happiness and joy are taken to a whole other level.

Mr. Yamada’s presentation was extremely professional, creative, and original, and his success is the result of his ability to put his all five senses, and a sixth sense, to work, to carefully observe the changes that take place after applying EMTM. In other words, he became able to carefully note the situation prior to applying EMTM, and thoroughly investigate and sense the changes that resulted from its application. He thoroughly investigated, for example, the cause and effect relationship between the amounts of EM・X® GOLD consumed and the feces they excreted--not only his own, but his children’s as well, and even went so far as to taste their urine to check it. He has truly become a master hand at applying all the various EM-related products.
Seeing the energetic, youthful Mr. Yamada who gave the presentation it is impossible to imagine sickly how he used to be. It is no exaggeration to say that he has found the fundamental answer not only to children’s intractable diseases and the aging process, but to the medical issues Japan faces as it becomes an increasingly aging society.


The Okinawa Shoko Clinic inside the EM Wellness Center.

The entrance to the Okinawa Shoko Clinic.

The Hotel Costa Vista Okinawa, revitalized through the use of EM TechnologyTM.

Dr. Higa lecturing at the Validating EMTM Medicine: Case Study Reports from EM Users 2009 conference.

Dr. Ichiro Sugimoto giving a lecture entitled “The Horizons of EMTM Medicine.”

Mr. Toshiharu Yamada, who has used EMTM extensively in daily life, reporting on his findings.

Courtesy of Ecopure

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