Dr.Teruo Higa’s
Living A Dream


#95: In Order to Further Ensure Limit Breakthrough

In the 92nd and93rd issues of this column I explained about easily exceeding the usual limit of various varieties. In some cases a variety is delicious but is vulnerable to disease, in others it is high-yield but poor quality, others are resistant to disease but do not taste good, while others have outstanding taste but limited environmental adaptability. When certain special characteristics become prominent, certain weaknesses corresponding to those characteristics appear, and the cornerstone of cultivation technology is to overcome these weaknesses.

Since this contradictory nature depends on the balance of the total amount and distribution of energy, a variety of support technology is necessary to adjust the balance of inorganic nutrition and moisture, exposure to the sun, preparation and so on. Since in limit breakthrough through EM technology the total amount of energy and minerals is overwhelming, the issue of distribution balance is resolved at the same time. In other words, the crop is pest resistant, tastes better, has wider environmental adaptability, making it possible to produce a desirable super breed without any genetic modification that runs counter to natural principles.

As discussed in the 90th installment of this series, activating EM in seawater or artificial seawater is a technology that creates even more stable activated EM. When you produce fermented liquid fertilizer from food waste and organic matter using activated EM made with seawater or artificial seawater (dilution rate of 1 to 3%), limit breakthrough can be very easily achieved. (See the 92nd and 93rd issues for more details.)

This is entirely the case, and the combination of charcoal powder and chaff-smoked charcoal further enhances the effects, and foliar application additionally using EM Super Cera C Powder will enhance the effects even more. This in itself is amazing, but plants just reach a level of about 3% in terms of utilizing the benefits of solar energy. (Whereas under normal cultivation this is less that 1%.) 

People might think it is not easy to break through this limit, but if the solar energy not absorbed by the leaves is taken into the soil, increasing phototrophic and synthetic function, this level will reach 5-10%. In other words there is a possibility that the limit breakthrough occurring now may be increased several times.

In order to do this, the important point is to see to what level the density of phototrophic bacteria can be stably raised. Ordinarily this would involve making activated EM solution, letting it sit in direct sunlight for 1-2 weeks, and using it at the point where the orange color turns red (the darker the red the better).

As is already evident, since it is easy for phototrophic bacteria to coexist with putrefactive bacteria, it is difficult for amateurs to make their own culture, and there are many cases of irreversible damage (in which crops have been wiped out). 

Seawater or artificial seawater has the power to suppress the growth of harmful bacteria, and has abundant minerals, and because of this phototrophic bacteria, as well as other useful bacteria, can greatly multiple symbiotically. In this way, if you allow the activated solution to be exposed to direct sun rays until it becomes red (1-2 weeks; the longer it is exposed, the more effective) then use it for foliar spraying (a 100-200 dilution, with EM Super Cera C at a 1000-2000 dilution), and use it as the starter culture in the  fermentation of food waste and organic matter, a limit breakthrough of significant levels will be possible.

To take this even further, put the fermented liquid of organic matter made with seawater or artificial seawater in a transparent or semi-transparent container, and expose it continuously to direct sunlight; doing so will increase the number of phototrophic bacteria, pushing limit breakthrough even further. (The liquid will turn red, then even a darker red; this will take 10-30 days.)

 If you apply this liquid in a 100-1,000 dilution, the activities of phototrophic and synthetic bacteria in the soil will reach limit breakthrough levels. Thoroughly and regularly applying this will make chemical fertilizers and pesticides totally unnecessary, the soil will become softer and more pliable, and it will be easy to get rid of weeds and apply no-tillage cultivation. Moreover, it will be easy to achieve the example of red beans shown in the 93rdissue, and long term, continuous harvesting is also achievable.

On the left is EM seawater food waste fermented liquid (black). On the right is the liquid fertilizer that has become red when exposed to sunlight for 10 days 

Potted impatiens to which was applied a 1:200 dilution of this red liquid fertilizer. (The stems are standing up.)

A flower garden in which this liquid fertilizer was applied in the same way.  
Before application the space was somewhat overcrowded, but after application there is sufficient space for all the plants to stand up straight. (Improvement in received light.)

In the same way, many large Spathiphyllum are flowering.

Courtesy of Ecopure

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