Dr.Teruo Higa’s
Living A Dream


#143 Boundary dome and foliar spraying of EM・X GOLD and EM 3

#143 Boundary dome and foliar spraying of EM・X GOLD and EM 3

Boundary dome and foliar spraying of EM・X GOLD and EM 3

The countermeasures against salt damage at a farm in Yamagata Prefecture where salt damage occurred, introduced in issue no.141, were announced at the EM Graviton Farming Workshop in March. Since then, it has been applied in many orchards.

The rectifying blocks made of black concrete, etc. are buried in the four corners of the orchard to create a boundary so that the quantum energy does not escape. At the same time, when you set up a high pole with an EM SPACE MATE sprayed with EM・X GOLD at the center of the orchard, the SPACE MATE at the top and the hado (wave energy) of each boundary block will be connected, and a hado dome (house) will be created. (Photo 1)

It has become clear that the quality and yield of crops can be greatly improved by rectifying in this way so that the energy in the space does not escape. In addition, damage caused by brown-eared bulbuls and other birds have been significantly reduced, and measures can now be taken easily.

It is easy to convert the entire orchard into an energy spot using this method. In particular, EM・X GOLD and EM 3 foliar spraying are effective methods for increasing the hado level in a baker’s transformation manner.

A 25-year-old peach tree was impressively revived, and I received high quality, great looking peaches from this orchard at the end of August. (Photo 2)
The result of hado measurement is around 130 for immunity. For reference, the management procedure of this farm is shown as an example. The EMG here is the original EM・X GOLD for testing rectification to the highest level at that time, which was prepared as an emergency countermeasure for cherries. EM・X GOLD manufactured after July of this year has reached the same level of hado as EMG, so you can use the same amount of EM・X GOLD as below.


Photo 2: A 25-year-old peach tree was revived and wonderful, high quality, fruits were harvested.
Photo 2: A 25-year-old peach tree was revived and wonderful, high quality, fruits were harvested.

[Management Guidelines]

◆Peach growing management (peach tree age, planted in 1995, 25 years of EM cultivation)

1. Overview of peach field
            -Area: 60a
            -Ridge length: 100m
            -Kawanakajima: 50 trees
            -Golden peach: 15 trees/10a

2. EM spraying details
  •   ・Method: Sprayed three times a year with a speed sprayer
  •   ・Water: For 1000 liters of water, put in the following:
            -EM・X GOLD (300cc)
            -EM・3S (4 liters)
            -Mineral foliar spray solution (500cc)
            -EMG (30cc)
            -Activated EM solution with salt (10 liters)
  •   ・Others: Spray soil with 1:50 dilution of activated EM solution (3000 liters) twice a year in 60a peach field

3. Fertilization and soil management

10kg salt is used for each variety of peach tree last year (Peach trees did not suffer salt damage even if 10kg salt was applied.)
  •   ・Benikunimi 10kg per tree
  •   ・Akatsuki 10kg per tree
  •   ・Ikeda 10kg per tree
  •   ・Ougonto (Golden peach) 10kg per tree
  •   ・Kawanakajima 10kg per tree
  •   ・Seioubo 10kg per tree
  •   ・Applied 20kg of Iwate compost to each peach tree
  •   ・In addition, spread compost throughout the field

4. Rectification boundary

It has been five years since I implemented the boundary. After I participated in the producer workshop in March this year, I rebuilt the hado source and added rice husk charcoal, salt, EM ceramic powder in a 500cc plastic bottle, and pasted a rectifying sticker on the bottle. Also, I attached SPACE MATE (4,000 yen/piece) to a 7m iron rod to create a new rectifying dome.


◆Cherry growing

EM spraying details
  •   ・Method: Sprayed two times a year with a speed sprayer
  •   ・Water: For 1000 liters of water, put in the following:
            -EM・X GOLD (300cc)
            -EM・3S (1 liters)
            -Mineral foliar spray solution (500cc)
            -EMG (30cc)
            -Activated EM solution (10 liters)

From the grower:
“After three days of spraying, the cherries turned red. You can harvest them quickly, so the cherries can be sold at a good price. Sprayed activated EM solution once a week from May 25 until they are harvested.”
The energy field can be constantly strengthened by spraying activated EM with salt (seawater level) and creating a boundary, and with the method of baker’s transformation many times, and spraying 5 to 10 liters of activated EM solution (a 1:200 to 1:500 dilution) per 10a in the field as needed.

If you set up a hado pole at the center of the field in this method, you will be able to produce a greater yield of crops than you have ever experienced, and the quality will be further improved. As shown in the table below, the hado value will also reach 5-10 times the conventional value (maximum value is 20).

This year’s crops’ hado value after the EM Graviton Agricultural Training Workshop in March shows a higher hado than ever imagined, and this technology has reached an extremely high level.
Hado measurement results     Peaches     8/29/2019
  Variety: Kawanakajima Variety: Ougonto (Golden peach)
Immunity 133 128
Hypothalamus 135 113
Adrenal cortex 139 119
Stomach 142 124
Colon 147 138
Small intestine 148 145
Gall bladder 133 133
Liver 136 137
Kidney 143 140
Uterus 117 107

Hado measurement results
  Farm A
Farm B
7/25/2018 8/7/2019 7/18/2018 8/26/2019
Immunity 42 156 69 114
Hypothalamus 21 161 21 116
Adrenal cortex 21 164 20 119
Stomach -- 165 -- 124
Colon 21 163 21 129
Small intestine 21 168 20 130
Gall bladder 21 163 20 134
Liver 21 164 20 134
Kidney 21 173 20 141

<Measurement of numerical values>
+18 or more........very high
+15 to +18..........high
+10 to +14..........normal
+5 to +9..............low
-21 to +4.............very low
Photo 4 Flower garden that is managed using the baker’s transformation method
Photo 4 Flower garden that is managed using the baker’s transformation method


Photo 4 shows the conditions after more than three years have passed, after the boundary was strengthened, and the garden was fertilized using only salt, rectified charcoal and rectified ash. Only supplemental planting for the missing stocks was done, and watering was done once a day, instead of irrigation, using a very diluted solution of activated EM.

(September 26, 2019)
Courtesy of Ecopure

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