Dr.Teruo Higa’s
Living A Dream


#127 Prevention of Disasters by EM Technology

#127 Prevention of Disasters by EM Technology

#127 Prevention of Disasters by EM Technology

At the Shikoku EM Festa held in Takamatsu City in last fall, there was a report that at the time of the Kumamoto Earthquake there was no earthquake damage whatsoever in Kawachi Town in Kumamoto City, where the whole area uses EM; likewise, mainly in the South Aso homes using EM on a daily basis suffered no damage at all. 

This difference is quite clear, and I have reconfirmed the earthquake countermeasures using EM, which I have emphasized ever since the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake of 1995. At the same Festa, there was also a report that in vegetable gardens that were in a riverbed in Ehime Prefecture, the fields where an EM barrier was constructed and EM cultivation was done had minimal damage, whereas the vegetable gardens not utilizing EM were washed away and wiped out completely. At the time of the Great East Japan Earthquake of March 2011, there were similar reports, and at the same time tsunami damage was miraculously minimal in some cases. Disasters caused by heavy rain are also increasing year by year, and similar results are seen in fields, agricultural facilities, workshops, houses, etc. that utilize EM.

Both are due to the shock wave reduction effect by the EM rectification force, but the ground resistance value of such places is exceptionally high. The ground resistance is high when the energy level of the land is high.

It depends on the energy field power of the land, but it is also clear that its power will be greatly enhanced if you create a barrier with EM technology and continue EM cultivation.

An obvious example is seen by comparing Photo 1 and Photo 2. Photo 1 shows an ordinary orchard that does not use EM. In contrast, Photo 2 shows an adjoining orchard that has been using EM for many years. These are the results seen at Takahashi Farm in Higashine City in Yamagata Prefecture, which I have earlier introduced in this series. Mr. Takahashi has adopted  EM barrier technology starting two years ago, and year by year has been improving the limit breakthrough in terms of both yield and quality.
Photo 1 
<EM not used> 
The snow is not melting
Photo 1
<EM not used>
The snow is not melting
Photo 2 
< Regular use of EM for many years> 
The snow is melting
Photo 2
< Regular use of EM for many years>
The snow is melting
Typhoon No. 22 of the season last year hit the orchard zone in the Tohoku district, but only about 5 or 6 pears at the Takahashi Farm fell down, whereas pears in ordinary pear orchards formed a veritable carpet of fallen fruit and it is reported that the damage was enormous. Regarding apples, there are reports from many EM growers to the effect that there was remarkably little damage. And especially in the orchards that strengthened their EM barrier, the clear effects are close to miraculous.

Typhoons Nos. 23 and 24 last year caused major damage nationwide, especially in Tohoku and Hokkaido, but there was little damage in fields and agricultural facilities (green houses, processing plants, etc.) that continued to use EM, and particularly the places where they set the EM barrier, people were amazed at the results.

As is already evident, in Okinawa Prefecture, where the whole area has become an EM barrier (at the EM SPACE MATE level), weather damage from typhoons, etc. has drastically decreased from four years ago when the barrier was made. Agricultural production is trending upwards and finally last year the growth rate became the highest in the nation, and the income of full-time farmers reached eighth place, greatly improving the former record. Naturally, agricultural production as a whole has reached record levels.

As I explained in the last article in this series, No.126, continuing to use EM barrier and the application of EM without lowering the level will produce a quantum overlaying effect similar to the baker’s transformation effect. Since the barrier effect in Okinawa (the former Ryukyus cultural sphere) has improved year by year through the EM Wellness Resort Costa Vista and EMX GOLD manufacturing factory, this effect will be further strengthened in the future.

The phenomenal economic growth and various limit breakthrough phenomena in Okinawa in recent years are entirely due to the EM barrier throughout the region, and the effect is gradually appearing in Okinawa and Amami Oshima, part of the former Ryukyus cultural sphere.

It goes without saying that the barrier using EM Technology is effective not only in agriculture but also in disaster countermeasures in barns and homes. The heavy snow damage this winter was quite serious, but as can be seen in photos 1 and 2 above its application in these situations is entirely possible. 

In other words, you can expect considerable positive effects even the simple method of creating an  EM barrier at the four corners of a house and also on the roof. For melting snow, you can spray activated EM solution made with seawater, with 2-3% added salt. As you repeat this method, there is a cumulative (superimposed) effect, so depending on how the system is built, I think that this method will be a decisive blow in helping melt snow. 

Although the final verification has not been done yet, we have confirmed the phenomenon of complete sublimation, with no snow piling up or ice at the entrance of silos that have been using EM for many years.

Electric charges can be reduced by 10% or more by making an EM barrier wave source using plastic bottles, including at the four corners of rooms, and raising the rectification level. The number of people who have implemented the EM lifestyle is steadily increasing, allowing more and more people to enjoy the incredible reality of no sick people at all, improved function of refrigerators and other electric appliances, and indoor air purification, etc. Of course, it also prevents oxidative degradation of buildings, so it is possible to double the lifespan of buildings and various facilities. Please remember that enclosing every space, including cars and our bodies, with an EM barrier (by wearing EM ceramic bracelets, EM ceramic necklaces, etc.) allows us to avoid diseases and accidents.             
 (February 28, 2018)
Courtesy of Ecopure

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